Ry is up early performing his series of pushups and situps. I make a bet with myself that as the trip progresses these morning workouts fade. We made plans to stay with our friends Griffin and Jen and their family who are living in Vegas. They graciously offered to let us crash at their place for a night as we make out way down.
We cross into Arizona on our way to Vegas.
The desert makes amazing dual sport riding. I would love to have more time to explore the desert, but out timeschedule demands we keep moving.
By now we are getting into the heat of summer down south. Both our bikes are running hot and the temperature gauge I have on my bike has the needle buried.
We made a plan to hit up hoover dam before getting into Vegas, was well worth it.
We finally make it into Vegas and take a trip down main street. Feels weird being in Vegas with a vehicle let alone a motorcycle after being down here so many times before.
We arrived at Griff and Jen’s and went out for a few beers and caught up. Always good to connect with good friends while on a trip.