Considering the visit by Yogi last night my sleep was relatively deep. The sun was out and there was enough light in my tent to not even require the use of my headlamp. Nights are very cold and I’m glad I brought my thick down sleeping bag. The other night I was so exhausted I crashed in my tent wearing my riding gear, figuring I would just wake up and keep going. In the middle of the night I woke up shivering and had to get our of my gear and into my bag. Not fun in a one man tent.
Its finally sunny and warm, which is ironic that we had to travel to the Yukon to get some good weather. Roads are perfect, no traffic and sun is shining.
The closer we get to Dawson, the more Dust to Dawson riders we bump into. Chatted with a retired guy from Georgia with an older BMW R series, I asked where he was going and he rattled off 12 places, all on opposite ends of the continent, he just finished it off with an ear to ear smile and said ‘I’m going everywhere’ – I believe it.
Started talking with a few guys from Edmonton at a gas station, and as each Dual Sport bike would pull up the group chatting grew larger. Stories of where people are going, or where they have been, adventure riders have a pretty good community. Its also impressive how many riders are being funneled into Dawson.
Stopping at Whitehorse today was great, not only is it a cool town with a local Brewery downtown, but gave me the first opportunity in 4 days to have a shower and launder the only pair of clothes I have.
Went out for a Yukon Gold beer and Reindeer Stew – good hearty northern meal.
Tomorrow we hit Alaska, thinking of heading to Tok where a bunch of riders are camping out in preparation for D2D in Dawson. D2D aka Dust to Dawson is a 2 day gathering of Dual Sport riders from around the world. There are about 260 riders attending, so it should be a good time.
After the past long days I have enough slack in my schedule to start going where I want, its a good feeling not having to make miles.
Ty, your bike issues sound eerily similar to our trip down to Mexico (although there were definitely a few less bear sightings). Hopefully the kinks are all worked out and it’s smooth sailing the rest of the trip. I’ve got more confidence in the BMW vs. the KLR so I’m sure things will be fine. As long as you don’t find yourself doubling on the back of another motorcycle late at night with your saddle bags strapped across your lap hoping for a town close by to put up for the night, it’s all good 😉
I bet a beer never tasted so good!
Wow Tyler! What an adventure with the bear! I laughed as I read your blog although it probably wasn’t so funny at the time! Glad to hear that the weather is good. It’s not so good here: rainy and cool! ave fun!
Great pictures Tyler. Glad you finally have some warmer weather and clean clothes! That stew must have tasted AMAZING!! Can’t believe you were attempted to sleep in your gear! Awesome! Safe travels.