We grabbed some breakfast and headed out on what would be the best ride of the trip thus far. The Top of the World road is epic. We took some side roads and found a trail that leads out to the top of a ridge overlooking the border and valley below. This was the experience I was hoping to get out of this trip.
The nice thing about the north is the sun never goes down. So you can sleep if you are tired, or ride if you aren’t. Schedules and time is meaningless. Its perfect. We got into Dawson and headed down to the Dust To Dawson Rally signup. Its in the Downtown Hotel, which is famous for its ‘Toe Shot’.
After watching a group of older tourists do the toe shot, I bellied up. The shot was fine, but the toe tumbled into my mouth – yuck!
Dawson is an awesome town, lots of history, laid back and super friendly. The bar we went to has curtains because the sun never sets.